A Politica' Stance

I am not a womb-man.

I am not determined

by my desire to fornicate,

my necessity to menstruate,

my capacity to populate

or regulate the latter.

I am not a womb-man.

I am not reflected

in my uterus. It is not my guardian. It is not

the keeper of my secrets.

It is not an I.D. card.

(I am not a womb-man)

I will not sit

in toystore windows

or on baby plantations.

I will not cop


to contrary declarations.

I will not to will it.

I will not to allow it

I am not a womb-man.

I will not allow it.

I am not a womb-man.

I am determined.

Trapped in a ball,

A glass ball

Smooth curved sides Whose walls run to tops

Which run to bottoms;

I am running

From my reflections..

I cannot outdistance myse.".

I need a rock..

Shatter it--

Break me out

Before I go mad.


These curves distort the world

Bringing me back

To the same beginning.

I am a rock,

Hard, hard and black

As anthracite. Under pressure,

I am diamondized






--Theresa A. O'Grady

-Jan Loreta


Your intentions are more

Than your actions;

I drown in your well-wishes.

Your dream-promises

Erode my footing

And sweep me away.

You rise and drain like the Nile.

Your promises,

A flood of words--

I am overrun;

Your actions--

Too few..

I am porched.

I thirst

For your moderation.

--Theresa A. O'Grady

July, 1977/What She Wants/page